12 January, 2006

Take the Debt test!

Hello all.

Nearly Friday 13th :S Anyone afraid? Anyone superstitious?

Well...today's posting is of a useful nature.

After the Christmas & New Year festivities, it's very common to be totally broke. But how broke are you? Are you completely swamped with debts that you can't find a way out?

Provided you're living in the UK you will be able to take a small test, which determines (or comes close) how much trouble you are really in.

A huge surprise for me was that i wasn't in debt...ha..but give it time. No...seriously, it isn't a bed of roses being in debt as i found out in my early years.

Here is the test in question..answer honestly please. And don't worry...no formal record will be made of your answer, so no need for the Big Brother paranoia.

The Debt Test

I'll be back later folks with some less serious stuff...

Got to go back to work...

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